Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Catchup posting

If you didn't know already, Katie is keeping a better log of what we do than I am. It's at . Sporadic internet until now means that these first blog entries are all going to come in a rush. In general, please comment freely, and I will try and read them all in good time. If you just want to email me your comments and reactions, that's cool too. Tell me what you would like to hear about that I haven't mentioned, and what you would like to hear more about that I have mentioned. In particular, if you have any questions for any of the characters, or about any of them, let me know. I recommend reading in chronological order, but you're welcome to jump around.


  1. thank you Christopher - these all made for a nice read tonight...what an experience!!

  2. Great update and a fine start to a most interesting assignment.
    Best wishes.

  3. I love reading both of your blogs, Katie's blog fills in all of the wonderful details for me!
    What an exciting experience for you both!
    I see lots of notes about eating fruit.... hopefully in the food category there is some protein in there as well! xoxox

    ps remember sunscreen

  4. Dear Christopher,
    I've loved reading your blog and look forward to reading your next installment. Tell us what is on the menu at the Sunshine restaurant and what you enjoy the most.

    Lots of love from Buzzy xxx ooo

  5. Great update-keep them coming.
    Poppy & Buzz
