Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I love mangoes

June 9


            I love mangoes. They are cheap (6 cents each, for the small ones, free from the tree in front of the clinic), gorgeously ripe, and everywhere. Katie loves buying food from random street vendors; I think that's a short road to a long time in the bathroom, but we can rinse off mangoes. So, the last couple nights we sat down around 8pm to feast on the mangoes that we got earlier in the day. They are incredible, albeit a bit stringy, and we're going to have to get more tomorrow. I say that because I spent about fifteen minutes making sure there was not even the tiniest scrap of edible mango remaining on the peel; it was a bit over the top. We had a big mango today, the biggest one I've ever had, and it was also the best mango I've ever had. Katie, however, is a veteran of traveling in China and Taiwan, and was not nearly as impressed. She told me I will definitely have better mangoes before leaving. That's okay with me.

            It's a bit odd to me, though, that we don't see more people eating mangoes. They're delicious and they're everywhere, and in some spots the ground is covered with mango pits, but in general I haven't seen people eating them.


  1. have you noticed people selling mangoes?

  2. Reminds me of growing up in the Beaver Valley. Orchards of apples everywhere, to the point where familiarity bred, not contempt, just indifference.
